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Posts tagged ‘Windmills’

Capturing a beautiful moment – in pencil!

I mentioned in a recent post that I am learning sketching and will post some sketches here. But, before you dive headlong into the post, here’s a DISCLAIMER: I am not known to be good at art. At any type of art. In fact, I’ve never taken an art class before. So, please be sympathetic when you see the sketches 😛

Alright first one, it’s a sketch I made in last week’s class.It is based on a section of a photo that my art teacher had brought to the class. The bit that I liked, are the clouds – made by rubbing out bits from the charcoal-shading. This was something very new to me.

Quaint rural setting - with my favourite - a windmill!

In yesterday’s class, I tried sketching a photo I had taken at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC.

The photo I tried to sketch

So, here’s my attempt..

Drumroll please!!

Attempt at sketching a beautiful moment!

What do you think? 🙂

And as mentioned in the disclaimer in the first paragraph, please be gentle in your critique! Hehe! 🙂

p.s. Apologies for the poor quality of the photograph of the sketches! Poor lighting in my apartment (yeah, I know, lame excuse!)

Tilting at Windmills

Thankfully, my opinion on windmills differs from Don Quixote who thought they are ferocious giants – fit to be slain, their spoils to become rich with and whose removal would only be a service to the planet.

Although there is one point common in our views – we both felt lucky to come across them! 🙂

I’ve always been mesmerized by windmills – and this has nothing to do with my support for alternative energy sources. Windmills, for me, are a treat to the the eyes – elegant, majestic and simple.

Windmills at Kanyakumari - next to waves splashing against a beautiful sandy beach

Windmills seen from Jaisalmer Fort

I’ve wondered why they look so beautiful to me – I think it might be because their continuous unerring movement give you a feeling of being permanent hardworking steadfast soldiers (I am venturing dangerously close into Quixote zone!). Or because I am fascinated with machines – and they look very simple, easy to comprehend – a quality not often seen in machines.

I’ve heard Netherlands has a lot of windmills. You have no idea how excited I am about my upcoming Eurotrip!!
(Oh, have I not mentioned am going on a 18-day Eurotrip? 😛 More on that later!)

Do you also feel Windmills are charming and beautiful to look at? Or you agree more with the ingenious gentleman of La Mancha?

Photo credits: Author