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Posts tagged ‘Washington-DC’

Capturing a beautiful moment – in pencil!

I mentioned in a recent post that I am learning sketching and will post some sketches here. But, before you dive headlong into the post, here’s a DISCLAIMER: I am not known to be good at art. At any type of art. In fact, I’ve never taken an art class before. So, please be sympathetic when you see the sketches 😛

Alright first one, it’s a sketch I made in last week’s class.It is based on a section of a photo that my art teacher had brought to the class. The bit that I liked, are the clouds – made by rubbing out bits from the charcoal-shading. This was something very new to me.

Quaint rural setting - with my favourite - a windmill!

In yesterday’s class, I tried sketching a photo I had taken at the Smithsonian American Art Museum in Washington DC.

The photo I tried to sketch

So, here’s my attempt..

Drumroll please!!

Attempt at sketching a beautiful moment!

What do you think? 🙂

And as mentioned in the disclaimer in the first paragraph, please be gentle in your critique! Hehe! 🙂

p.s. Apologies for the poor quality of the photograph of the sketches! Poor lighting in my apartment (yeah, I know, lame excuse!)

The beauty of stillness

Here’s my all-time favourite photograph! I took this one during my visit to the Washington DC..

The Girl and the Painting
Photo taken at the Smithsonian American Art Museum
Painting: Among the Sierra Nevada, California by Alber Bierstadt


Someone told me.. you should blog while traveling – that would be real travel-blogging.

So, here I am – in Washington DC – at Hostelling International – reached just a couple of hours back.

As it was pretty late when I reached the hostel, I immediately set out for food, walked a few blocks – reached a super-lively place! Guess what, Verizon center. Take another guess, just a little while back, a Wizards match was going on. Not only that, Wizards beat Nuggets (who are second in the Western Conference and beat Cavaliers yesterday)! 107-97! No wonder the crowds outside were super-charged (and almost surprised!)

After facing defeat at the UltraBar (damn the shoes that I forgot to bring), I headed on towards the Chinatown with its majestic chinese arch. American Chinese food (which is probably Chinese Chinese food) is pretty different from Indian Chinese.

By the way, this is what my fortune cookie had to say: You are busy but you are happy. So true! Adios!

p.s. I saw the Washington Monument and the US Capitol building from the train! 🙂